Personal information

Surname(s) / First name(s) - Campos/Joana
Adress1 - Rua Morgado Mateus nº33 1ºESQ - S.Lázaro / 4000-334 Porto
Adress2 - Rua de Segões, nº8 - Celeirós / 4705-447 Braga
Telephone - 965 083 195
E-mail -
Nationality - Portuguese
Date of birth - 26/06/1982
Gender - Female

Work experience

2007/2008 - Twelve months of professional experience in the company "El nino - Brand Power", of communication and graphic design, where I developed logos, corporate identities, campaigns and events for brands/companies such as Gamobar, Rolf Benz, Interforma, Yourban and Bial.

2007 - Six months of professional experience in the company "Vexo" advertising agency, where I developed logos, corporate identities, campaigns and events for brands/companies such as Sumol, Mercury, Mc'Donalds, Unilever, Suma e Designologia.

2006 - One month of professional experience in the company "Máquina Digital" where I developed layouts for sites.

2006 - InvesCampos 
Design of a bilboard and a page of a magazine.

002.013 - Exhibition of Photography 2005
Design of the catalog and participation in the exhibition with the wor "Fibras Ópticas".

Education and training

2008/2009 - Digital Illustration Course
"Citex - Porto" (Centre of profissional formation of the textille industry).

2008 - Workshop "Fotografia Publicitária"
Portuguese Institute of Photography

2000/06 - Degree in Communication Design (with an average of 14 values)
Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Oporto

2006 - Multiaverage basic course.
Ciências e Letras . IQF

2005 - Exchanges with "Facultat des Belles Arts" - "Universitat de Valencia".

2004 - Basic Photography Course
Portuguese Institute of Photography

Personal skills and competences

Aplications - Adobe CS3 ( Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign)
Macromedia (Freehand, Flash and Fireworks)